
Experience: ReactJS, Node.JS, Python, Linux, Git, Discord.js
Currently learning: Digital Drawing
I want to learn: Docker, React Native
Current role: Full-Stack dev
My projects: Currently None, I took a break from coding, I want to get back in a few months
What I can do: Basic CSS, Discord Bots, APIs & Back-Ends, Basic Front-Ends, React Apps, Basic Desktop apps
What I cannot do: Advanced CSS, Advanced, Front-Ends, Mobile Apps, Advanced Desktop apps
Why and when I started Coding: When I was 8, I started making some Minecraft stuff (I still play Minecraft till this day and if it didn't exist,
I probably wouldn't code like I code now. I'd probably get to coding some other way but it'd be much later)
I wanted to make a website for my Minecraft Server (which was dead).
That is why I learned HTML, basic CSS and a little bit later even PHP.
Then I found out what Discord was and a few friends of mine which were admins on the Minecraft Server started coding.
I still didn't catch up, but one of them had linked their YouTube channel to the Discord server.
I saw him making a stream about making Discord Bots. I tried it and it didn't work. Then probably a week later I tried again and it worked that time.
That is how I learned the basics of Node.JS, and then I started experimenting with stuff in the language.
I really didn't make any projects, I experimented with some stuff and started learning about JavaScript and more about it's structure.
Now, I learned React (Thanks to my uncle which is a coder and knows a lot about me), and want to learn more about Linux and how to improve my development.

I apologize for the quality, I do not know CSS much, I just reverse engineered the Discord CSS (and Fonts) 😆